Poznaš naravno slovensko kozmetiko, ki prihaja iz Dvorca Trebnik? Jaz sem jo odkrila šele pred kratkim in kar sem do sedaj testerila, me je popolnoma navdušilo.

Zakaj sem tako navdušena? Najprej, zato ker so vsi izdelki:
  • brez parabenov
  • brez gensko spremenjenih organizmov
  • brez barvil
  • brez mineralnih olj
  • vsebujejo sestavine naravnega izvora
  • bogata z rastlinskomi izvlečki in naravnimi olji
  • niso testirana na živalih

Pa tudi zato, ker je to prva slovenska certificirana naravna kozmetika, ki je dostopna preko spletne strani (DVOREC TREBNIK) in v supermarketih Mercator.

Moja vsakodnevna večerna rutina se prične z:
  • Čistilnim losijonom nepozebnik
  • Negovalnim balzamom za okrog oči vrtnica
  • Nočno kremo vrtnice

Čistilni losijon nepozebnik
Čistilni losjon je naravna mešanica izvlečka nepozebnika in botaničnih olj za osvežujočo vsakodnevno nego kože. Nepozebnik odstranjuje maščobo in umazanijo s kože, mešanica botaničnih olj pa nežno očisti in ohranja hidro-lipidno ravnovesje kože.
Losijon je zelo nežen, zato ga lahko uporabljaš zjutraj in zvečer in je primeren tudi za občutljivo kožo.  Jaz ga uporabljam zvečer. Najprej si obraz očistim z micelarno vodico, nato pa nanesem še losijon, ki ga s krožnimi gibi  vmasiram v suho kožo in ga nato sperem. Lahko pa ga tudi uporabiš na mokri koži. Ostanek ličil lepo odstrani, kože ne izsuši in jo po uporabi ne zateguje.
(Cena:  200 ml-> 9,99 eur)

Negovalni balzam za okrog oči vrtnica
Bogata krema z rožno vodo nudi globoko vlaženje in pomlajuje kožo okrog predela oči. Se hitro vpije in osveži utrujeni videz oči. Rožna voda pomirja in gladi drobne gubice okoli oči, izvleček kofeina in cimeta pa res dobro zmanjšata zabuhlost in podočnjake. Kremica nima vsiljivega vonja, tako da je primerna tudi za najbolj občutljive oči. Kremico uporabljam dobre tri tedne in lahko rečem, da zabuhlost se je res zmanjšala, predel okoli oči je bolj napet in navlažen. Da bi se gubice zmanjšale oziroma zapolnile, pa je še prezgodaj o tem govoriti.  Definitivno bom o njej še poročala.
(Cena: 30 ml-> 11,79 eur)

Nočna krema vrtnice
Hranljiva nočna krema za obraz je bogata z izvlečki vrtnice in antioksidanti, ki skrbijo za obnovo in vlaženje kože. Kombinacija naravnih olj in koencima Q10 izboljšuje prožnost kože in preprečuje znake staranja kože. Nanesem jo vsak večer na očiščen obraz in vrat. Kremica se hitro vpije, vonj je po zeliščih in ni vsiljiv ter hitro izgine. Koža pa je vidno bolj napeta, nahranjena in navlažena.
(Cena:  50 ml-> 10,99 eur)

Do you know the Slovenian natural cosmetics Dvorec Trebnik? I discovered it only recently and so far tester, I am totally impressed.

Why am I so excited? First, because all the products are:
  • without parabens
  • GMO-free
  • free of dyestuffs
  • without mineral oil
  • containing ingredients of natural origin
  • rich rattlins komi extracts and natural oils
  • they are not tested on animals

But also because this is the first Slovenian certified natural cosmetics, which is available through the website (DVOREC TREBNIK) and in the Mercator supermarkets.

I currently use the following products:
  • Cleansing lotion with hamamelis extract
  • Gentle nourishing eye cream with rose water
  • Luxurious night cream with rose water and coenzyme Q10
Cleansing lotion with hamamelis extract
Cleansing lotion is a natural blend of hamamelis extract and botanical oils for a balance and refreshing daily skin care. Hamamelis herbal combination removes grease and dirt from the skin. A mixture of botanical oils cleanses the skin delicately and maintains its hydro-lipid balance. The lotion is very gentle and can be used morning and evening, and is also suitable for sensitive skin. I use it at night. First, I clean the face with micellar water,  then I use lotion wich I apply on dry skin with the circular motion and rinse with plenty of warm water. It can also be used on wet skin. Removes makeup and the skin does not dry out after use.
(Price: 200 ml-> 9.99 euro)

Gentle nourishing eye cream with rose water
This rich eye cream with rose water offers deep hydration and rejuvenates the skin around the eye area. It absorbs quickly to instantly illuminate and refresh tired-looking eyes. Rosewater soothes and smoothes fine lines around the eyes. Caffeine and cinnamon extract reduce puffiness and dark circles. The cream has no intrusive smell, making it suitable for even the most sensitive eyes. I use the cream over three weeks now and I can say that puffiness is really reduced, the eye area is more tense and moistened. For wrinkles, to reduce or fill is still too early to talk about it. Definitely, I will report again about this cream soon.
(Price: 30 ml-> 11,79 EUR)

Luxurious night cream with rose water and coenzyme Q10
Luxurious facial cream rich with rose extract and antioxidants for a regenerating and hydrating skin care. The combination of natural oils and coenzyme Q10 works as you sleep to improve skin elasticity and suppleness. It balances skin moisture levels and has a skin-revitalising effect which prevents signs of skin ageing. I apply it every night to cleansed face and neck. The cream absorbs quickly, it smells like herbs and smell are not intrusive and quickly disappears. The skin is visibly more toned, nourished and moisturised.
(Price: 50 ml-> 10.99 euro)


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